CoLabs ... International Students' Dictionary 
This product was created within 'Colabs' Socrates Minerva project using funds in accordance with agreement: 101301-CP-1-2002-1-HU-MINERVA-M
Minerva Project
Polish Projects
Velocity & Force
Visual Modeling
Laboratory of Randomness
Algebra of Games
Teachers' Seminar
Sharing CoLabs
Dictionary for students
Hungarian Projects
Slovakian Projects
Portuguese Projects
 Wersja Polska

International Students' Dictionary

There is a dictionary for students from different countries with words in 6 languages: English, Hungarian, German, Slovak, Portuguese & Polish. There are 5 categories of words: Narure, Verbs, Living, Adverbs & Other.

The full version with icons is placed on CoLabs Home Site.

Here you can find simplified version, prepared in a spreadsheet. Look at the dictionary
This product was created within "Colabs" Socrates Minerva project using funds in accordance with agreement: 101301-CP-1-2002-1-HU-MINERVA-M